The 1723 Naerøy Manuscript contains a rambling interpretation of this drawing of a Sami ceremonial drum attributed to Thomas von Westen.
The god in the top half of the drum, to the right of Thor, holding a hoe with a claw at the end and having an arch with serrations of his head, is called Waralden Olay or Maylmen in the manuscript. This god is called the chief god of the Sami and is likened to the Greek god Saturn.
An ox of rowan or sheep is sacrificed by the Sami annually at harvest at an altar by sprinkling the blood of the animal on a statue of this god. The hand of this god gives growth to grain and fruitfulness to fish and reindeer. They also sacrifice to Maylmen during eclipse of the sun or moon, to take the eclipse away.. The curved line with serrations over the head of this god signifies fertility of the earth and of creatures. The height of the arch over his head indicates that this god dwells among the stars.
Source: Just Knud Qvigstad, “Kildeskrifter den Lappiske Mythologie,” from the University of Chicago library, found here: